Hey Matze. Wahnsinn, das übertrifft jede Vorstellung von dem, was ich erwartet hab, ehrlich. “Old Habit” hat genau das, wovon wir schon einmal gesprochen haben : Es macht das Gesehene zu einem Erlebnis.
very nice and live. Don’t you thing that your photo can be used by somebody else? I always use tools like that [url=http://www.textplusphoto.com]TextPlusPhoto.com[/url]
I wonder where this lake is. With this cloud formation and this colours, it looks as it has been painted. And this forest looks a little bit like a jungle too.
Really great shot.
Hey Matze. Wahnsinn, das übertrifft jede Vorstellung von dem, was ich erwartet hab, ehrlich. “Old Habit” hat genau das, wovon wir schon einmal gesprochen haben : Es macht das Gesehene zu einem Erlebnis.
l’eau bout quand le soleil s’y plonge. Un superbe effet
very nice and live. Don’t you thing that your photo can be used by somebody else? I always use tools like that [url=http://www.textplusphoto.com]TextPlusPhoto.com[/url]
another wonderful shot of this lake. it makes me want to visit it so badly. fantastic job!
Drop dead gorgeous shot!!! I love your work. Thanks for sharing. Lakes are special places ………..
Wow, great photo, I love these colours and the reflections in the water, good work!
Nice reflection – I wish I had a lake like that near me.
echt genial!
Very nice reflection and fog.
Old habits are hard to break, and I am glad you didn’t break this one. This is a beautiful shot!
very nice colors,good shot !
amazing colorful view and reflections, the mood is excellent captured.
Wonderful color.
I wonder where this lake is. With this cloud formation and this colours, it looks as it has been painted. And this forest looks a little bit like a jungle too.
Really great shot.
Great shot !
Beautifull clouds and sky !
great photography! check out the photo contest on mkvista!
I like the tones and colors of the sky and it’s reflection on the lake. The fog makes it mystic. Very nice!
i really like the fog on the water. great photo.
I think that a small thermo neuclear device just went bang! lol top shot. mal
Amazing .. Amazing .. Amazing … It is really Amazing, love it!
Superb moment captured!
A truely fabulous image!
Fist thought was WOW! what a beautiful phptograph
The water is burning! Cool shot!
WOAH. This is just unreal. But in a good way for sure. Those colors and the light in sky is just amazing. Very cool.