I love wood. 🙂
I found this abandoned place called “Schweinemarkthalle” in Karlsruhe at the “Alter Schlachthof” area. It’s the former location of an OPEL car dealer and before that it was the pig market hall of a slaughterhouse. Don’t know what it will be used for in the future.
Of course I went inside the building! Believe me, that was so disgusting! I think a few hundred pigeons live in there which all took off went I entered the building. I couldn’t stay inside because of the dust they raised. And the ground was covered with crap and dead pigeons. Uaaargh!!!
This is a HDR image from 3 exposures.
Update 2017: Today this building is a startup center called “Perfekt Futur”. Learn more here:Â http://www.perfekt-futur.de
the mysterious box
space junk?
Please don’t ask me what that is. I really don’t know. Looks like it fell off the sky … it’s about 6 ft. tall. Whatever, I found it quite interesting to photograph. 🙂
This evening I’ve been out with a photo buddy and we found an abandoned platform at a lake. I guess it had been used to dig up gravel. I find it always very interesting to see such old and decayed stuff and to imagine how it has been used. Additionally these objects give a good contrast to the surrounding where they are placed.
Some things get better over the years, some don’t.
a good wine
This is my submission for the 24 hours of flickr project.
Actually I wanted to take a completely different photo for this project but after taking this one (sort of warm-up) it started to rain and I couldn’t take many more photos. So I hope this one’s good enough to make it. 🙂
Some details: It’s a daylight long exposure (43 sec) taken with a ND filter. This small decayed house stands in the middle of a vineyard in the federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany). This is where the good wine comes from. 🙂
This photo has been featured here via my Flickr stream:
and over the years it’s slowly taken by the sea
This is one of many observation points along the atlantic shoreline of Europe. They were built during the 2nd world war as part of the Atlantic Wall. After the war the people tried to blow up these monsters of steel and concrete, but without success. They were and still are to strong and solid. So it seems like they can only be destroyed by the nature.