This is the Pfinztal from Berghausen to Grötzingen. That’s where we live. ❤️
These hills are the most northern tip of the Black Forest. Click the image for a large view.
This is the Pfinztal from Berghausen to Grötzingen. That’s where we live. ❤️
These hills are the most northern tip of the Black Forest. Click the image for a large view.
I found this abandoned place called “Schweinemarkthalle” in Karlsruhe at the “Alter Schlachthof” area. It’s the former location of an OPEL car dealer and before that it was the pig market hall of a slaughterhouse. Don’t know what it will be used for in the future.
Of course I went inside the building! Believe me, that was so disgusting! I think a few hundred pigeons live in there which all took off went I entered the building. I couldn’t stay inside because of the dust they raised. And the ground was covered with crap and dead pigeons. Uaaargh!!!
This is a HDR image from 3 exposures.
Update 2017: Today this building is a startup center called “Perfekt Futur”. Learn more here:
This is a chapel in Karlsruhe called “Grabkapelle” (grave chapel) which is the last home of 17 family members of the House of Zähringen. It was built from 1889-1896, the last funeral was in 1952. It has never been a church.
I guess in 100 years it’s totally green. 🙂
From the archive. It’s a 43 sec. long exposure of Karlsruhes castle. The lake is part of a park called “Schlossgarten” (which means “castle garden”). Karlsruhers just say “Schloga”.