Another old habit of mine: getting up very early in the morning to catch the first light of the day. It’s just a perfect start of a day to take a walk in the morning, breathing the fresh air, listening to the birds and watching the sun rise.
This is not a HDR image, as you might suppose. I blended this manually from 3 different exposures.
So delicate, and yet so cripsy. Very lovely.
Great atmosphere – Such a beautiful view.
Ah…the beautiful, soft colors of early morning. Wonderful shot Matthias!
Lovely Mood, reminds me of when i used to work on a farm. 🙂
Great mood, great sky. Very nice.
Yeah, full ACK. Addicting scene.
It is worth to get up early in the morning 😉
Nice photo!
Thank you for your kind comments!
Am a fan of first light too. It always turns me into a mad man though, light changing so fast, it gets me running round all over the place trying to capture things.
Nice image here, well done with the combo.
@ROB: Haha, yes. I’m acting like this as well sometimes. A tip: find your motif before the light comes, set up the cam and wait for the sunrise.
Really great composition. I like the dusky mood and the sharp background. Great job!
Great done with the different exposures. A wonderful morning atmosphere.
Awesome fog! Love the color and composition.
Nice shot, worth getting up early for sure. Thing is, if you blended the shot manually from 3 exposures, that IS a HDR image… no? Whether it’s automatic or manual blending, I mean…
*confused* 🙂
wunderschöne stimmung! absolut gelungen!
beautiful colors ! great result from the blending you did !
Nice light! Very well done!
HEy there.. I just found your site and I love it 🙂 So awesome photos. I think I will find future inspration from your pictures 🙂
I see you use some of the same style as me.. only yours much better..
Feel free to check out my photos too.. 🙂
Best regards
Frank Semi
look at the cool fog! i love the colors and atmosphere!
simply amazing…its a site too many people never see…the sleep lovers.
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Wonderful shot!!! I like the composition of the loney tree. 🙂
i love the varying tree lines.
Very nice. I’ve only just recently begun to fully appreciate the morning light. I was able to catch quite a few sunrises over the past few weeks, though normally I’m not a morning person . It’s totally worth it when you get some great light and fog to go along with it! Nice shot for sure.
amazing! great pinks / reds in the background, you can almost feel the peace and quite
So beautiful. Great shot.