We had the luck to see a full halo the other day. It was so beautiful …
You can read something about halos here:
german: de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halo_%28Lichteffekt%29
english: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halo_%28optical_phenomenon%29
We had the luck to see a full halo the other day. It was so beautiful …
You can read something about halos here:
german: de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halo_%28Lichteffekt%29
english: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halo_%28optical_phenomenon%29
what a great capture! i’d never even heard of that before.
holy moly! don’t go into the light!
i was going to write ‘great photoshopping’ and then i read the caption – unbelievable!
Awesome capture. I’ve never seen one of these before. Thanks for sharing.
phänomenal! Hab sowas noch nie zu Gesicht bekommen. Sieht aber stark aus, vorallem mit den Wolken sie so seitlich abgehen – sieht aus wie ein weißer Feuerball 😉
Wow, that’s quite the halo. I’ve seen one or two before but with the moon instead of the sun. That halo is crazy big though.
Wow, pretty amazing photo!
This is wonderful. I love that you managed to expose both the sky, and the ground, especially shooting directly into the sun. Great work, and wonderful subject!
This is new to me as well…amazing scene and also a great picture.
Very cool… I’ve never seen this before. You made a potentially cliche shot very unique.
Fabulous capture! I’d never heard of this before either – thanks for the link explaining it.
WoW !
Great capture of this rare phenomena. All those people seem to walk into a different dimension :D. I wish I would have the chance to see the halo one day…
Oh man, that super! Seems like either god or aliens are descending to the earth! Very cool.
Wonderful light! Looks like another planet
Wow, thats soo, cool! I hope to be able to photograph a halo sometime in the future.
Those who point their cameras into the sun end up seeing evil things
very nice and impressive. very good shot. i guess u got lucky that u got a halo in-front of your lens