Sorry for my long absence. I’m too busy a the moment. But this afternoon I found a little time to relax at a lake and to drop some rocks. 🙂
Sorry for my long absence. I’m too busy a the moment. But this afternoon I found a little time to relax at a lake and to drop some rocks. 🙂
Good splash, nice picture.
Good job 🙂
The colours in this shot are beautiful, but the boat portrays such a wonderfully hopeless feeling… Nice combination.
I love this photo. You’ve taken an often photographed subject and added so much more to it. The chain coming out of the back of the boat and the perfectly timed splash really make for an interesting story.
Eine Bootstour wäre jetzt sicher sehr erfrischend 😉
Great scene..
Neat idea – very good juxtaposition of the serene environment with the suddenness of the splash…
Hmmm, ich finde das Bild klasse, bis auf den “Platscher” … ist mir schon klar, dass der “Absicht” ist, stört mich aber trotzdem irgendwie … ansonsten wirklich gut. Schöne Grüße
mir gefällt das bild unglaublich gut – dieser kontrast von ruhe und alter zu der spritzigkeit, die dasleben bietet finde ich faszinierend.
Great shot, detail, color and comp are great.
maynard @
Good idea! Nice composition
A lovely wide angle shot.
The fact that the boat is partially sunk adds a great subject to this shot.
Nice shot.
gorgeous find…love the blue and the immersed boat, the spash…and just the entire atmosphere…
Great composition and energy!
This is really a beautiful photo and the splash on the left of the boat just made me gaze for a while trying to figure it out until I read what the splash was from. Great work on this photo!
Thanks all for your kind comments!
Very nice shoot, most of your photos are beautiful,congratulation. 🙂
Awesome! the splash really makes this. i love how the boat, the splash, and the pole are evenly spaced.