In Gross wirkt das noch viel krasser als auf Flickr. Sehr schöne Komposition und vor allem : Scharf. Mir gefallen hier die Felder im Hintergrund besonders gut. Hammerbild, ehrlich.
As always Matthias you have captured a very unique location. I love the sky here, it helps with the message of this photo. Great shot man!
P.S. Congrats on making Hot list!!! I was so happy to see you made it, I love your photography and think you defiantly deserve it!
In Gross wirkt das noch viel krasser als auf Flickr. Sehr schöne Komposition und vor allem : Scharf. Mir gefallen hier die Felder im Hintergrund besonders gut. Hammerbild, ehrlich.
magnifique photo. quel angle!
nice one ! I like the sky 🙂
You are lucky: you got the perfect conditions with a sunny day and the fog. It’s a great shot !
As always Matthias you have captured a very unique location. I love the sky here, it helps with the message of this photo. Great shot man!
P.S. Congrats on making Hot list!!! I was so happy to see you made it, I love your photography and think you defiantly deserve it!
Nice picture! 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
Thanks all!! I really appreciate your comments!