Yesterday I re-visited one of the most beautiful places in the Southern Black Forest, called Schauinsland. This is a beech tree that got its shape from the steadily blowing wind.
The weather was really uncomfortable (fog, wind, heavy snowfall, -5°C) but perfect for shots like this one. I’m really happy with how it came out. I didn’t convert the photo to b&w but due to the fog there were no colors. So it’s a “natural” b&w. 🙂
Bad weather, good photos! Here’s the proof! What a great shot! Merry christmas!
natural b&w – that’s crazy. i can’t believe you were out there in that kind of weather, that’s cold! beautiful shot!
Well I would think twice before getting out in that kind of weather. But I’m happy to see that it can be possible to absolute adorable images regardless.
Amazing winter image, totally white in white!
The worst weather makes for the best images. This image is breathtaking. Simple. Stunning. Breathtaking. Print it. Frame it. Hang it.
Beautiful! I relocated from Phoenix to Jackson, WY a few weeks ago. Can’t wait till it looks like that here!
That a great image! I really love it 🙂
Great whiteness, very nicely seen and captured!
This is both a very beautiful and very interesting photo. It’s amazing that it’s actually a color photo and the wind-shaped branches really make you take a second look. Great, great shot.
This photo is breathtaking. I love the natural black and white and am so glad you returned to this location. I first discovered your photoblog last year thanks to these stunning images of the Black Forest and I look forward to many more.
Incredibly gorgeous (especially combined with your perfect title).
Stunning shot. The featureless background is almost inseparable from the snow-covered ground. When I see this I can’t help but to think of the resilience of nature.
Ich liebe Bäume und dieses Exemplar ist besonders schön! Sehr schön vor dem weissen Himmel.
Just beautiful in it’s simplicity…wonderful image.
Beautiful white!
evtl. etwas aus der mitte rücken aber sehr schöne umsetzung eines sehr schönen motivs!
liebe grüße nils
amazing photograph. i think it was worth enduring the tough weather.
Sehr gutes Motiv und genial umgesetzt.
The naturally desatured colors (ok, it’s all white…) are great. You placed the tree well in the frame!