Another view from the mountain “Nebelhorn”. Up there you can only hear the wind blowing and the cows ringing with their bells in the distance.
Another view from the mountain “Nebelhorn”. Up there you can only hear the wind blowing and the cows ringing with their bells in the distance.
Beautiful view! Love the greens and blues of the mountains – gorgeous shot!
cool colors
Nice cool colors. Also like how you put the rock in the foreground to enhance the sense of depth in the picture. I can never seem to remember to do that.
what a beautiful view! I can nearly breath the fresh and clean air. very beautiful colors and contrast. did you use a polarizer for this shot?
i like how the sky/clouds come out … nice gradient … wonderful country side!
As seeing this image,I feel my heart is becoming pure and calm.
Here is the entrance of Heaven?
Great shot!
peaceful… fresh… pure… calm. frozen moment of grace
Stunning view.. Really like the composition, the rocks in the foreground work really well.
Da kriegt man ja Fernweh… so weit möchte ich auch mal wieder schauen können. Tolles Bild!
très belle image mais je croyais qu’il y avait des houris au paradis
Beautiful landscape with such immense depth.
I really like the site as well. The size does your images better justice than the smaller flickr versions.
Beautiful picture! Great job framing the shot
Very nice photo with fresh and intensive colors.
Greetings from Vienna,
Wonderful colour contrasts, and great depth to this image. Distinct absence of life leaves me wondering about the cowbells, but I can hear…no…feel the wind!
the release of thoughts…
Wonderful colours and view.
I never tire of views like this. Lovely…
Nice shot!…Lovely
Oh, I can hear that sound…… great picture.
Beautiful vista.
I wish I could be there right now.