Taken 2014 on the beautiful island Norderney. 60 seconds long exposure after sunset. Got wet feet.
after the rain
Taken yesterday on a photowalk with u.linder. A few minutes before it looked like the end of days …
never summer
probably my last landscape photo
… unmarried. 🙂
Friday is the big day! I must say, I’m already a bit nervous.
Little story about the photo:
I stood there watching the sky after the rain. As I say the rainbow I took a view through the viewfinder and realized that 24mm aren’t wide angle enough for that rainbow. Aaargh!! I ran back to my car like crazy, dropped the wrong lens, grabbed the 17mm and ran back to the place where I took this photo. Fortunately, the rainbow was still there. Phew!
Well, that’s whatI love in landscape photography. Sometimes you only have a few seconds for a photo and you have to concentrate 100% to do your best. I’m sure the world could break down behind me, I wouldn’t realize it in such a moment. Though that would be a good photo as well … 🙂
the restaurant at the end of the universe
(Now I also remember this passage: When leaving the restaurant, Zaphod and Ford steal a spaceship, which turns out to be a stuntship belonging to Disaster Area, programmed to dive into a star to provide backing effects for a rock concert. LOL So funny, have to read the books again.)