
Welcome to my photoblog!

My name is Matthias and I live in Karlsruhe (Germany) together with my wonderful wife and my two daughters. In 2004, I bought my first digital camera for a vacation trip and I have developed a serious interest in photography since then. In the beginning, I took photos of just everything and everyone, not caring about composing, light conditions or even post processing. In 2005, I started uploading my photos to Flickr and got to know a lot of wonderful people (you?) and learned a great deal about photography. Since then, I am focusing primarily on landscape and nature photography. I especially love to take photos early in the morning or in the evening when the light is restrained, warm and colorful. Reflecting or floating water and some nice clouds are the icing on my cake. Today, I don’t take photos of a certain scene because I like the scene but more because I like the light in that scene. It’s all about the light, right? Also, I learned a lot of post processing and the abilities of negotiating the limitations of shooting digital. I process my photos with Lightroom and Photoshop and sometimes with Photomatix. I really love to see how some originally unimpressive photos can turn out in the post processing. I admit that some of my photos seem to be a little bit overdone for some of you but they all exactly look how I want them to look like. That’s how I see the world.

And to show you what I see, I’m hosting this photoblog. Feel free to comment, share or ask questions (in English or in German).


Some photography related friends

Martin Gommel: kwerfeldein.de & flickr.com
Ulrich Linder: ulinder.de
Tobias Lang: tobias-lang.com
Sven Seebeck: svenseebeck.com
Stephan Sachs: fischimglas.de
Holger Lückerath: pixelboogie.de
Ralf-Jürgen Stilz: photoappar.at
Caroline Kliemt: flickr.com
Manuel Gutjahr: flickr.com
Anja Pöhlmann: anjapfotografie.de
Martha “Eichhörnchen”: pixel-lounge-studio.de
Johannes Heuckeroth: pfnphoto.com
Steffen Göthling: lens-flare.de
Rebekka Guðleifsdóttir: rebekkagudleifs.com
Scott Lewis: thealphafactor.wordpress.com
Tero Tielinen: terotielinen.fi
Matthias Klaiber: flickr.com
Frida Pixelbloggen: pixelbloggen.se
David Nightingale: chromasia.com (Thanks for featuring this photo!)

PS: The order is not a ranking. 😉