… at the Tümlauer Koog, North Frisia. We had really nice weather. Processed from a single RAW file. It was definitely too windy for handheld bracket exposures.
… at the Tümlauer Koog, North Frisia. We had really nice weather. Processed from a single RAW file. It was definitely too windy for handheld bracket exposures.
Dramatic sky, fantastic angle!
Great! Did you somehow do an HDR from that single raw file? I’ve been trying to figure out how to do that,
I check your photos each day.
Wow – the sky is haunting. Wonderful textures throughout.
great! I like the cloud’s effect how did you do that?
Very dramatic, great shot.
As always, the sky is fabulous – dark, forboding, dramatic – conveying the perfect mood for this image. Well done Matthias!
awesome photo!! it reminds me of a place I know..
wow – fantastisch!
great clouds you have here + special color tones
Beautiful photo, I love the colours and this great sky.
@fernando & Roger: I enhanced the dynamic range by processing this with 3 different exposures which were created from a single RAW file. So, it’s a HDR image.
Thanks everyone for your kind comments!
sehr stark!!! tolle Dramatik in dem Photo und die Farben sind auch sehr gut – passt wunderbar – super!
Again a very nice picture, but what I would really love to know or see is what the unprocessed image looks like :). I know, trade secrets and all, but I bet a lot of people would learn an awful lot from it.
Hey there – you did a great job with the flags again – i really gotta go find some flags ;o) The clouds are about to falle from the sky, it seems. Well done :o)
Dramatisch! Da bekommt man Angst, das einem der Himmel auf den Kopf fällt.
@Thomas: I know that it would be interesting for a lot of people to see some originals of my images. But I think this would somehow take away the magic. Also, I needed about a year to create a processing workflow which results in images like this one. I think you understand that I won’t give this know-how away in a few sentences. 🙂
Maybe it’s a little help if I you know that I work with photomatix and lightroom and most of my landscape pictures are bracket exposures.
Thanks everyone for your kind comments!
@Matthias: I asked the question knowing you would probably not give away too many details ;). But what you said did make a lot of sense and does help me out. I’m currently doing all of my post processing in Lightroom (it does all the things I need it to do).
I will have to check out Photomatix though, because I never heard of that before. Thanks for great tips and keep posting wonderful material.
tolles dramatisches foto. die längere verschlusszeit hat die beweglichkeit der fahnen schön dargestellt. grossartiges foto!
Hi Matthias,
Your photos inspire me to go out and try yet again. One of these days, I hope, I will get a picture that is as good as yours. 🙂
great sense of motion and atmosphere
Beautiful color treatment and processing.
schöne Bildgestaltung, dramatischer Himmel, super!
looks like a huge storm is coming, impressive great shot.
WOW… Dramatic sky you have captured ! Thats all what we all dream about 😉
Awesome job.
Nice weather? It definitely looks too windy!!! BUt I do love the shot. Nice framing.
A masterpiece. You rock!
Simply majestic!
Love how you hace see the wind just ripping apart the flags to the left, it really adds to the drama in the shot.