This is so great. I’ve been driving a lot of kilometers for a tree like this one. Lucky you!
Nice minimalistic shot and the slight sepia toning looks awesome.
Wonderful minimalism! Really like the colors and mood too. Plainly a really great picture, congratulations. Can’t actually think of anything I would even remotely want to change.
This is so great. I’ve been driving a lot of kilometers for a tree like this one. Lucky you!
Nice minimalistic shot and the slight sepia toning looks awesome.
I like it 🙂
Wonderful minimalism! Really like the colors and mood too. Plainly a really great picture, congratulations. Can’t actually think of anything I would even remotely want to change.
Lovely colors and very good composition!
Simple yet effective… nicely done!
Herrlich einsam. Und wie die Anderen schon schrieben – manchmal ist weniger einfach mehr. Ich finde auch den Farbton des Hintergundes sehr passend.
awww. this is so six feet under. awesome.
I usually don’t think photos with a flat grey sky are all that compelling, but I really like this photo. Nice work.
I love the composition. The simplicity is beautiful.