Same waterfall as in this shot but this one is taken with a 100mm telephoto lens from a totally different position. When I took the wide angle version I stood on the green mossy rock on the right hand side.
Can’t decide which one I like more, the wide angle or the telephoto …
I like both shots, but I think the telephoto has better composition and colors.
I’m typically a wide-angle guy, but in this case I think the telephoto shot really is stronger. Great greens and spot on exposure.
Both are beautiful and amazing. I’m getting myself a cokin filter system to get pictures like these..
Wow! I like your long exposure photos.
I agree with Jason. The telephoto shot is much more pleasing. The silkiness of the water pairs very nicely with the soft, green moss. Nicely done!!
what a Fab. Shot!!!
the long exposure really helps make this shot .. and the colors of the moss on the rocks is incredible!
I like both, but the telephoto shot focuses more on the gorgeous waterfall, making it the first thing you see, rather than being the backdrop for the shot. Great job on both of them Matthias!
I like the telephoto a little better. I like its foreground best. Both are very nice!!
Just gorgeous!
Das perfekte Wasserfallfoto! Ich mag dieses lieber, weil es so lebendig ist.
I don’t know anything about the techniques of photography, but all I can say is that this pic is amazingly beautiful.
Hello! excellent photo
nice photo, good exp. time
Truly wounderful!
Who I like long time picture of water fall.
Very awesome photo!
very well exposed – it shows movement without blowing out the hightlights on the water 🙂
Really like the composition in this shot. The exposure is perfect.
This is stunning! Love the colours and details