Goodbye 2007

Last one from the beech tree series at the Schauinsland, Black Forest …. (maybe). 🙂

Well, 2007 is almost over and I would like to thank everyone I was in contact with last year. Thank you for all your comments, thoughts, discussions, criticism, wishes, views, hugs, smilies and last but not least: Thank you for sharing your photos on your photoblog. I really enjoyed viewing your photos and reading your thoughts. I wish you all a good start into 2008!



10 thoughts on “Goodbye 2007

  1. I will never tire of these photos. The snow, the trees and the light are all beautiful.
    One of my happy discoveries in 2007 is this photoblog. I look forward to following you into 2008.
    Happy New Year.

  2. Kim says:

    Matthias, this has been a wonderful series – I’m glad that you shared it with us, along with all the other beautiful images you’ve posted this past year. Wishing you and yours a very Happy New Year!

  3. Wow absolutely gorgeous image. I love how the picture really makes me feel the cold! I hope you get some time to check out my site. You should consider submitting your photographs there to be voted on!

  4. w3nsch1 says:

    very nice colors. i like pictures like this. reminds me that i should get out again to take some myself. good shot

  5. w3nsch1 says:

    very nice colors. i like pictures like this. reminds me that i should get out again to take some myself. good shot

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