… or purple?
Anyway, it’s just a test. The weather wasn’t so nice yesterday though I wanted to test the wide angle lens (Canon 17-40mm 1:4L USM) and the ND-filter on the new camera (Canon EOS 5D). Not bad, I think …
… or purple?
Anyway, it’s just a test. The weather wasn’t so nice yesterday though I wanted to test the wide angle lens (Canon 17-40mm 1:4L USM) and the ND-filter on the new camera (Canon EOS 5D). Not bad, I think …
A nice and calm image for sure, but it doesn’t compete with the dramatic feel of the previous material in your portfolio. At least that’s my opinion ๐
Congratulations with buying the 5D. I bet you’re happy not having to deal with a 1.5x crop factor anymore. I don’t think anything anyone says in the comments can ruin the intense feeling of playing around with a new toy ๐
Really 201 seconds of exposure???
Congratulations with buying the 5D. Is your new ND Cokin? It ads pinkish cast to pictures.
Hallo Matthias,
Also mir gefaellt dieses Foto ausgesprochen, ich mag die Ruhe und die Stimmung! Schoen, dass Du dir ‘ne 5D geleistet hast, jetzt krieg’ ich gleich ‘camera-envy’!
Congrats on the 5D! I’ve been thinking of getting one myself. How is it?
Beautiful purple colours by the way.
Just a test eh? Well, it passed with flying colors! ๐ Congrats on the new toy! ๐
Beautiful landscape. Great Colors!
Hi, what a great atmosphere! love it!