8 thoughts on “and the sky turned violet

  1. Thomas says:

    A nice and calm image for sure, but it doesn’t compete with the dramatic feel of the previous material in your portfolio. At least that’s my opinion ๐Ÿ™‚
    Congratulations with buying the 5D. I bet you’re happy not having to deal with a 1.5x crop factor anymore. I don’t think anything anyone says in the comments can ruin the intense feeling of playing around with a new toy ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Phil says:

    Hallo Matthias,
    Also mir gefaellt dieses Foto ausgesprochen, ich mag die Ruhe und die Stimmung! Schoen, dass Du dir ‘ne 5D geleistet hast, jetzt krieg’ ich gleich ‘camera-envy’!

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